Sarcastic Bastard - Librarian, Male.
Excellent Help Bitch -
Library Staff, Female.
Boy -

Library Staff, Male.
Little Girl -
Library Staff, Female.
Pipsqueak -
Library Staff, Male.
Jun 20, 2008

{ ...and that's only the least of it! }

The least annoying/irratating/stupid thing my coworker did today was announce loudly, near patrons, "I gotta go to the bathroom." This is on a par with her usual patron greeting; "Whaddya need?" No smile, no 'hello,' no 'how can I help you?' nothing to make them feel like it's not ruining your day to have to wait on them.

That being said, there was actually a patron who managed to outdo her today on the screaming bloody annoyance scale, when she had to go home and come back at least four times because she was over her fine limit, didn't understand the concept of having too many items overdue, had mixed up the discs in her CD cases, and since she has fucked up her own card so badly she can no longer use it, she is now fucking up her daughter's card just as badly. AND whenever she has to pay an overdue/lost/damaged fee, doesn't fail to accuse us of fucking up and losing her items/failing to check in her items/any number of strangely outlandish scenarios she can think of to avoid taking responsibility. Well, it ain't gonna work, lady! Your reputation precedes you, and nobody in our branch is going to buy your story.

The rest of the day was pretty okay, though.

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Four snarky library employees. Here are their sarcastic/smartass musings on everything. We mean everything.

Names changed, Language unfiltered. Hardcore.

gnashingbooks -at- yahoo -dot- com

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Vampire Librarian
Tales from the Liberry
Library Bitch
The Librarian's Guide to Etiquette
ASIF Authors Supporting Intellectual Freedom
The Society for Librarians* Who Say "Motherfucker"

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