Sarcastic Bastard - Librarian, Male.
Excellent Help Bitch -
Library Staff, Female.
Boy -

Library Staff, Male.
Little Girl -
Library Staff, Female.
Pipsqueak -
Library Staff, Male.
Oct 15, 2008

{ Job satisfaction }


Start with the guy who was pissed off that he had a ten minute wait on a computer.
“I’ve already been here for 45 minutes and you never came over to help me.”
“This is the first time you said anything to me about needing help. I wish that you had told me you were having difficulty.”
“This is bullshit. That kid was here after me and he’s getting on a computer now. And I have to wait?”
“There is nothing I can do about that, the computers are first come first serve.”
And so on....

This guy is about 6 and ½ feet tall. I am not. I went in the staff room to compose myself and when I poked my head around the door again he was actually sitting on my desk. Not AT my Desk. ON my desk. His massive ass was wedged next to my keyboard. (He is waiting his ten minutes to get on the computer. He is making sure that I have to acknowledge his presence for those ten minutes.) This is so completely harassment....

When I finally get my desk back and sit down for ten seconds another woman approaches me and complains loudly that our Express computer (Express, meaning at high speed. Expanded meaning: computer to be used for a very short amount of time for quick work) is on a stand-up desk.
“I’m sorry. But it is only intended for quick work.”
“But no one could sit at that desk in a wheelchair.”
“Ok. But we do have handicap accessible terminals....”
“No. I work with the disabled and I know what I’m talking about. You’re being discriminatory.”

So in conclusion: Thank you. Thank you to every patron who thinks that it is my job to create library policy. Thank you to every patron who takes every inconvenience as a personal affront. Thank you to the patrons who think that “Information Desk” means “complaint department.” You give me reason to get out of bed every day. What would I do without you?

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Four snarky library employees. Here are their sarcastic/smartass musings on everything. We mean everything.

Names changed, Language unfiltered. Hardcore.

gnashingbooks -at- yahoo -dot- com

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Vampire Librarian
Tales from the Liberry
Library Bitch
The Librarian's Guide to Etiquette
ASIF Authors Supporting Intellectual Freedom
The Society for Librarians* Who Say "Motherfucker"

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