Sarcastic Bastard - Librarian, Male.
Excellent Help Bitch -
Library Staff, Female.
Boy -

Library Staff, Male.
Little Girl -
Library Staff, Female.
Pipsqueak -
Library Staff, Male.
Oct 21, 2008

{ Do I look like a Guy? }

~ Little Girl

Why is it that some of the patrons end up talking about boobs or the nonexistance of boobs or their new water bras with me? I never say a word about any of these. Is it tattooed on my face "Talk to me! Really, I want all the weirdos."

Just because I like manga and graphic novels does not mean that a)you need to lean across the counter and stare at me while I'm reserving stuff for you and b)I don't want to hear about which bits are you're favorites (because I'm going to inform you that I'm not interested in either you are the "naughty bits".

Then I got the other end of the spectrum. He's looking for art/drawing books. Okay I can handle that. He doesn't want anything with 'nudythings', just weapsons and monsters with weaspons, oh and antique cars (but none of the first six books I hand him). Also rapmusic (nothing specific mind you), "I want cusing and stuff like that". Also if I'm going to help you and yes I know you are slow, do not stand right on top of me, ESPICALLY if I've got to get a book off the bottom shelf. I DO NOT need your croch anywear near my head.

It's like pulling the hair off a naked-mole rat.

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Four snarky library employees. Here are their sarcastic/smartass musings on everything. We mean everything.

Names changed, Language unfiltered. Hardcore.

gnashingbooks -at- yahoo -dot- com

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Vampire Librarian
Tales from the Liberry
Library Bitch
The Librarian's Guide to Etiquette
ASIF Authors Supporting Intellectual Freedom
The Society for Librarians* Who Say "Motherfucker"

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