Sarcastic Bastard - Librarian, Male.
Excellent Help Bitch -
Library Staff, Female.
Boy -

Library Staff, Male.
Little Girl -
Library Staff, Female.
Pipsqueak -
Library Staff, Male.
Mar 21, 2007

{ Freetail }

My wife repurposed an existng obscure term to fit perfectly for the work we library folk do. Freetail. Its definition is simple enough, just combine the words "free" and "retail" and not only do you have a pretty exact idea of the sort of work we have to do, you also get a pretty simple catchy word to toss around with those in the know. Working a freetail library job has its benefits, and its major drawbacks. Tonight for instance. I realized I have no spine when it comes to certain patrons, thanks largely to the biggest drawback of working freetail; people feel more comfortable treating staff like shit when everything's without a cost. We freetail employees are slaves to the idea that the public's happiness with us is the only thing that keeps us running. "The Big V" is a prime example. "The Big V" inspired the previous Library Adage, you know, the one about genealogists.

She called tonight, and I answered her call. It's no use defering that call to other staff members, she'd just ask for me anyway. And I let her walk right over me. I have no ability to say no to V, none at all, at least not since I told her I couldn't "babysit you and your son on the computers tonight." Big mistake, but ENTIERLY TRUE. An hour later, 35 pages printed from Ancestry, and V walks in the doors. Like I said, I can't say no to her, so she lets me do her genealogy work for her, not in her presence. Topping it off, between cowering in a blind spot in the workroom, she informs me that 27 of the pages are worthless to her and she'll just pay for them "later."

But it's ok, she'll call me up with new information about those very same people next week, information that completely negates the information I searched with tonight. DOOMED

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Four snarky library employees. Here are their sarcastic/smartass musings on everything. We mean everything.

Names changed, Language unfiltered. Hardcore.

gnashingbooks -at- yahoo -dot- com

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Vampire Librarian
Tales from the Liberry
Library Bitch
The Librarian's Guide to Etiquette
ASIF Authors Supporting Intellectual Freedom
The Society for Librarians* Who Say "Motherfucker"

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